How do I search the database?

Quick search

Type one or more words, separated by a space, in the box. This can include the catalogue reference. The date field will not be searched. If there may be several spellings of your word, you can use an asterisk * (wildcard) instead of one or more letters. For example, 'Sm*th' will produce the results 'Smith', 'Smyth' and 'Smeeth'. Capital letters are not necessary.

Advanced search

By default the search will look for the word or words you have entered. However, you can choose to change the default search criteria by clicking Refine Search Criteria. There are three ways of refining the search option:

  • With all the words
  • With at least one of the words
  • Without the words

The 'Record Type' can be selected from the drop-down list:

  • Collection - this will only search the general description of online catalogues. It does not search any listed material within the catalogues.
  • Book - this will search the Record Office library.
  • Photograph - this will search the online photographic records.
  • Component - this will search all the records not listed above.
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